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File complaints now

We know how frustrating and disturbing it is to family life to have drop everything and call in or jot down noise complaints to file later. The town of East Hampton must recognize that:

-- it is unreasonable to expect those who bear the brunt of noise and pollution from JPX operations to bear the additional burden of having to file noise complaints!

-- it is unreasonable, year after year, for East Hampton Town to continue to request we file noise complaints; the town has access to years of complaint data.

-- it is unreasonable to continue to request noise complaints when there is little discernable relief and many more people over a broader area are exposed to more noise and pollution.

Complaint fatigue is real, the Town of East Hampton must recognize that.


That said, we know recent complaint data is important to politicians; many decisions are made based on the numbers of residents complaining on a particular issue, and it's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease. Without noise complaints, East Hampton Town will continue to insist that there are only a few chronic noise complainers and thereby provide politicians with the excuse they need to continue to do nothing.

Place noise complaints to the Town of East Hampton by phone, email or online using any of the following four options:

Tel:      1-800-376-4817




Online (see screen image from Vector site below):


There are also three flight tracking sites that we refer to frequently and which you might want to try: 


This user-friendly real time noise complaint site can easily be downloaded to mobile devices; instructions are provided on the site. Unfortunately, the Town of East Hampton has, to date, refused to accept data from complaints filed on this non-profit site, although the data would be provided to the town free of charge.


Write your elected representatives, ask them to accept data on noise complaints in your area from  (to see which elected officials are already accepting this data, go to

Screenshots shown below are from, and illustrate just how badly the FAA's North and South Shore Routes are impacting communities far west of East Hampton Airport at a given time. Images were taken in July and August 2016.  It is easy enough to track these aircraft from departure to arrival at destination, that's how we learned they are headed to or from East Hampton Airport.  

The aviation industry is intensely lobbying to change the technology these websites rely on for flight tracking; and/or to criminalize the public dissemination of data. If that happens websites like this will need to shut down.


The site tracks flights, but does not accept complaints.


The site tracks flights but does not accept complaints.

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